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戦国Ⅰ 三日 加賀国那谷寺本泉坊住持全尊、同坊領田畠等証文の紛失により、親子・縁者・他人の押領を禁止する。(Sengoku I, On the 3rd day, Zenson, a priest of Nayadera temple in Kaga province, outlaws the seizure of fields by relatives, affiliates, and others as a result of the loss of administrative documents)


戦国Ⅰ 三日 加賀国那谷寺本泉坊住持全尊、同坊領田畠等証文の紛失により、親子・縁者・他人の押領を禁止する。(Sengoku I, On the 3rd day, Zenson, a priest of Nayadera temple in Kaga province, outlaws the seizure of fields by relatives, affiliates, and others as a result of the loss of administrative documents)
「中の院家文書」(文明四年)一四七二年 (Naka no In Household Document, Bunmei 4, 1472)
本泉坊領田畠等之證文(しょうもん)の事 右の件之證文(しょうもん)等は、長祿三年三月晦日當寺の炎上の時、同寺領内之支證等、ならびに額田の庄之内徳丸名之重書等、皆悉く(ことごとく)紛失せしむ處也、然る上は親子・親類・他人妨げ申せば出來(しゅったい)候えば、盗賊たるべく候、     文明四年五月三日(pp.154-155)
(能美郡) 那谷寺本泉坊住持          全尊  在判 

This document had been sent by Zenson, a priest in residence at Nayadera (located in Nukata no Shō, hence the reason for its possession by the Naka no In). As a result of a fire at the temple, records pertaining to ownership of fields within the shōen had been lost, thus any attempt to exploit this situation by falsely claiming to be the relative or sibling of another and thus claim right over a certain field or fields was to be strictly prohibited (and seen as akin to theft).

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011